Развитие умений чтения и письма. План занятия по английскому языку.


Ниже приведён новый фрагмент книги “The Internet for English Teaching”, написанной для учителей и преподавателей английского языка,содержащей коллекцию планов занятий по английскому.

Занятие может быть использовано на занятиях со студетами уровня pre-intermediate и выше. 

Цель урока — развитие умений чтения и письма, ознакомление с новыми интернет-технологиями и формирование умений online-взаимодействия в группе.

Раздаточные материалы вы найдете в конце записи (ссылка «Раздаточные материалы к занятию»).


Blogs, blogs, blogs…


Pre-Intermediate and above


90 – 120 minutes








Copy handouts of handouts for one student. You need one pack of handouts for one student. It’s a good idea to create your own blog beforehand to predict some students’ problems.




  1. Hand out photocopied materials. Ask your students to brainstorm about the question “How many different ways can people communicate using the Internet?” Divide the class into groups. Ask each group to choose a secretary. S/he is going to write the ideas down in the form of a spidergram. At the end of the brainstorming you will probably get the following answers: blogs, charts, websites, ICQ, MSN, forums, podcasts, wikis, e-learning, Second Life, etc. Create the whole-class spidergram on the board. Underline the word blogs. Tell the students they are going to study rules of blogs-writing. Ask them the following questions: What is a blog? Have you ever read blogs? Why? Have you ever written blogs? Why? Is it free to create your personal blogs? Why do we need blogs?
  2. Students read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs. Keys: 1. What’s a blog? 2. Publish your thoughts. 3. Engage your friends. 4. Design your blog. 5. Post photos. 6. Go Mobile. 7. Get started. When your students have finished, check the ideas.
  3. Ask the students to work by themselves. Divide the paragraph among the students. They should write a one-sentence summary of their part of the text.
  4. Students work in groups and write short instructions of how to create a blog using no more then seven sentences.
  5. The students share their instructions and provide each other with written feedback.
  6. The students improve their works using some recommendations from the feedback table and read their ideas to the class. This part of the lesson not only improves reading and writing skills but provides your students with some important information about creating a hypertext document. They will need it for the second part of the lesson. 



  1. Ask your students the following questions. What do we usually write in blogs? What is a good topic for a blog? Who taught you how to write a blog ? Is it important to have a good teacher? What is an ideal teacher? Before your students discuss the last question they do task one (“What makes a good teacher”). They work in groups of three and think back to some of the teachers. Then they circle T for true or F for false. Discuss the answers with the class.
  2. The students should create a blog now. The purpose of their blogs is to discuss an image of a good teacher. To create the blogs they work in pairs or in groups of three. They follow instructions given in the handouts. They should provide the reader with three statements and their comments.
  3. When the students have saved their blogs they should read two blogs of their classmates and give some comments.


You can use blogs in many other different ways for ELT. Aaron Campbell (2003) has outlined three types of blogs for use with language classes:

Of course, teachers who decide to use blogs often use a combination of Tutor or Class blog and Learner blogs, with hyperlinks connecting them.

 Раздаточный материал к занятию


Метки: , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Хорошие идеи, воспользуюсь! А как планируется в ходе обучения, использовать студенческие блоги, или это скорее одноразовое, ознакомительное задание?

  2. Алексей, судя по практике именно эти блоги у большинства студентов — первые в жизни. По плану они создают блог с первой записью около пары, а это совсем мало, тем более при отсутствии опыта.

    Но возможно использовать блоги студентов в процессе изучения английского регулярно, это да. Некоторые идеи — в разделе Varations. Один из вариантов создания online-группы.

    Насколько перспективно использование блогов в процессе изучения иностранного языка? Как вы думаете?

  3. Сложно сказать о перспективах. Наверное, перспективно на том же уровне, что и переписка с друзьями и ведение дневников на бумаге, то есть будет перспективно для тех, у кого есть к этому склонность, но вряд ли для всех

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